Monday, July 19, 2010

Dream Come True

Inception was such a refreshing movie to watch... twice. Roles and films like this only come around every once in while since films in Hollywood right now are being dominated by sequels that never meet expectations, remakes of 80's TV shows, or films from overseas.

I'm sure I missed a lot of the details even though the second time around was much clearer and even more enjoyable. But the film leaves you thinking about the world you live in and why we're each here. The seeds of ideas completely direct your life, whether in a positive or negative way and the way I look at it, it's how we perceive things. Of course, this is going to be different from person to person, but for me, it just confirms that I want to be a performer... on stage or on film... or wherever. And a film like this sparks the imagination within me and pushes me in a direction that is uncertain and exciting. Please go see this film. Please, please, please... and I'll be jealous... until I own it.

Monday, July 12, 2010


*Sigh of exhilaration!!! I feel renewed, refreshed, revived... not that I wasn't looking forward to my acting career before... but I am now inspired... I am going to take charge of my career and work at being the best actor that I can be. Look out remainder of 2010, Paul is here.

- Officially graduated with a B.A. in Communication Studies and a minor in Theater from CSULB
- New agency
- New head shots (being finalized)
- Signed up for commercial classes with Killian
- Refocused on my priorities and ready to kick butt

I will keep you updated blog!