Friday, January 28, 2011

Goals: 2011

I didn't sit down and write a list of goals for 2011... but here's what I have so far in no particular order:

1. Get a legitimate website up... I'm kind of working on one of my own, but I do not have the patience or discipline to learn how to do it... this needs to change.

2. Book a commercial... national would be nice!!!

3. Get a solid reel together to post

4. New headshots with postcards

5. Send out more thank you cards!

6. Do 3 plays but two that are not with hereandnow Theater Company

7. Find a good scene study class that works for me

8. Find a manager... not sure on this one... but it's there and I'll keep my eyes open!

9. Internship somewhere in the industry... preferably in a casting office

10. Wake up at 8am, Monday - Friday... it's not going so well... but I'm working on it!

11. Write some type of a short story

12. Develop Secret Identity Crisis

13. Book 5 short films for my reel (3 down... 2 to go)

I'll add more as the year goes by.

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